Worship And Outreach

Eastern Liturgy
Byzantine Christians see the church building as a point of sacred space where the earthly can participate in the heavenly in an awesome mysterious way. In worship they are always aware of the communal truth that “God is with us”. Liturgical seasons, holy days, weekly and daily cycles of prayer continually nourish the faith community in a process of participating in the Divine Nature in an intimate exchange of worship and grace. Often this ongoing process is called “theosis” or “divinization”.
The public communal prayer of the church is called, “liturgy”. This title refers to official offices of worship which includes Vespers (evening prayer); Compline (after dinner prayer); Midnight Office (usually celebrated in monasteries); Matins (morning prayer); Hours (four offices of prayer throughout the day usually prayed in monasteries or in private).
Jesus said,I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if anyone eats of this bread he will live forever; and the bread which I shall give for the life of the world is my flesh.
The Lord Jesus on the night when he was betrayed took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, "This is my body which is for you. Do this in remembrance of me."
Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood you have no life in you; he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.
The highest form of worship is our ultimate communion with the living God. This is celebrated in Byzantine Tradition today with three different Eucharistic Liturgies. The most common is the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. The Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great is celebrated 10 times per year – primarily in the season of Great Fast (5 Sundays of Great Fast), the vigils of big holy days (Christmas and Theophany), Holy Thursday, Holy Saturday, and on the feast of St. Basil (January 1). The third Liturgy is called the Liturgy of the Presanctified gifts. This Liturgy, primarily during Great Lent, is a vesper service with communion which was consecrated at the Eucharistic celebration on the previous Sunday.
Icons, incense, and singing bring all of our senses and our entire selves to become wrapped up in the worship of God with all the angels and saints who have gone before us in a total mystery of love and transforming grace.
As the liturgical scholar, Archimadrite Robert Taft says, “The main purpose of the Liturgy is not to change bread and wine but that the changed (consecrated) bread and wine change us!”
We welcome you to experience the worship of a loving God – one in the Holy Trinity – with us often.
The Mystery Of Christian Initiation (Baptism, Chrismation, and Holy Communion)
According to Byzantine tradition an infant (or a candidate) is being baptized (born into the new life in Christ), confirmed (receives the Holy Spirit), and receives Holy Communion (part of one body in Christ). The Mystery of Christian Initiation is a part of Divine Liturgy so the whole parish community participates and rejoices on receiving the new member of its family united in Christ.
Parents have to be active members of the parish at least for 6 months. Godparents need to bring a sponsor certificate prior to baptism.
For any further information please contact Fr. Peter at (330) 225-9857 ext. 0, or via email at St.EmilianByzantine@gmail.com.
The Mystery Of Holy Reconciliation (Confession)
The Mystery of Reconciliation (Confession) is available on the first Saturday of the month at 3:00 PM or upon request.
During the four penitential seasons, it is available on every Saturday, except for Holy Saturday and Christmas Eve (if Christmas Eve falls on Saturday). The four penitential seasons are: The Great Fast (the 7-week period before Pascha), the Philip Fast (Nov. 15 to Dec. 24), the Dormition Fast (Aug. 1-14), and the Peter and Paul Fast (All Saints Monday through June 28).
Other special times for Confession may be scheduled during the Great Fast and the Philip Fast; please check the weekly bulletin.
For a special appointment please contact Fr. Peter at (330) 225-9857 ext. 0, or via email at St.EmilianByzantine@gmail.com.
The Mystery Of Holy Crowning (Matrimony)
The mystery of holy crowning can be received by a man and a woman who become husband and wife. By the mystery of crowning they become a king and a queen of their own home. Both husband and wife are blessed and are supposed to treat each other as a king and a queen.
The mystery of holy crowning can not be received during the Great Fast and Holy Week.
Please allow at least 6 months notification to the priest; 1 year is preferable. For any further information please contact Fr. Peter at (330) 225-9857 ext. 0, or via email at St.EmilianByzantine@gmail.com.
Visiting The Sick And The Mystery Of Holy Anointing
"You are the healer of souls and bodies." These words are said about Our Lord Jesus Christ while during His ministry. He was constantly healing and encouraging the sick. Prayers have an unbelievable healing power.
Visits to the sick at home, nursing home or hospital occur once a month or upon request. Please contact Fr. Peter if any parishioners are ill or in need of our prayers at (330) 225-9857 ext. 0, or via email at St.EmilianByzantine@gmail.com.
The mystery of holy anointing is ministered to any sick person usually after holy confession. Then Holy Communion is distributed to the sick person as well.
Burial Services
We understand that it is a very difficult time for the family and friends when there is a loss of a loved one.
If the person who is dying is very near death, please do not hesitate to call the priest so he can pray at the bedside, hear the confession (under certain conditions), anoint the body, distribute viaticum, and give a blessing.
If possible, please contact the parish priest prior to contacting the funeral home.
Usually the evening before the funeral the Parastas is served at the funeral home.
On the day of the funeral the Panachida (memorial service) is served at the funeral home and funeral Liturgy at the church.
Interment service is after Divine Liturgy.
A Panachida for the departed can be served also on 9th day, 40th day and yearly anniversary or any of the All Souls Saturdays.
During the Great Fast the funeral with the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts may be served.
Funerals are not done on Sundays in honor of the Resurrection.
For any further information concerning funeral services please contact the parish office at (330) 225-9857 ext. 0, or via email at St.EmilianByzantine@gmail.com.
In case of an emergency please contact Fr. Peter.
Religious Education – Eastern Christian Formation (ECF)
It is very important for us to teach our kids religious education, talk to them about our faith, show them the good example, etc.
Our Eastern Christian Formation or religious classes start in September and go through May of the following year.
We offer classes on Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM before the Divine Liturgy from Kindergarten to 12th Grade.
For any further information please contact our ECF coordinator, Natalie Washlock, at (330) 741-0451 or the parish office at (330) 225-9857 ext. 0.
Adult Education
Bible Study continues in 2025. Check the bulletin for dates.
St. Emilian is the prior charter organization of Cub Scout Pack 3515 and Boy Scout Troop 515. If a group of committed parents is looking for a new home for an existing or a new Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Girl Scout, or equivalent organization, please contact the St. Emilian Parish Office. In the past, we have allowed Scout groups to use our facilities for low or no cost.
Community Outreach Program
Provide assistance to individuals and families to purchase groceries.
Collections of used prescription eyeglasses; items for the Battered Women’s Shelter; and baby items for young mothers.
Participating in the Baby Bottle Campaign to support young mothers in Medina County.
Men’s clothing drives for St. Herman’s House.
Invite local scouts and religious education classes from other parishes along with their parents to our Divine Liturgy.
Every Super Bowl weekend a collection is taken for the benefit of a local food bank operated by St. Martin’s Catholic Church.
Provide a Boy Scout troop with complimentary use of the hall for meetings.
In November and December the parish adopts two Medina County families and provides groceries, household products and gifts of clothing and toys for the children. Parish members gather the Sunday before Christmas to wrap and deliver all the packages.
Support the Hospitality House by collecting and delivering groceries. Thanksgiving dinner is prepared annually in our kitchen and families bake pies. The school children and parents then deliver Thanksgiving dinner to the Hospitality House and as well as serve the meal.
For more information please email us at St.EmilianByzantine@gmail.com.